Thursday, November 13, 2014

Rising Extremism: Voice of the Martyred:
Do You Want To Be A Martyr For Christ?

Seen To Be Seeing In Large Bold Letters the two part word SIN-BAD, as so a voice declaring, Nazi-Moms, the end of mankind's Kingdoms on the map 11/06/2014

Buying Into The Curse Of Death, Beware, This I not a lifestyle, it’s just made to look like one. Hebrews 11:3

-"Man can’t do this, only the Holy Spirit can do this," this shocking statement appeared in red letters while I was reading along Romans the sixth chapter, 'knowing then, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. FOR HE THAT IS DEAD IS FREED FROM SIN,' Romans 6:6,7. Just now turning to this verse of scripture I see that it is circled in my spouse bible, why? Because this is man’s greatest struggle, but Jesus has endured this trial for us, let go and let HIM… Jesus Blood Redemption…
-Again Jesus wrote, ‘man can’t do this, only the Holy Spirit can do this,’ appearing in red letter in the midst of this scripture was this heated for the ancient debate. You're to know, I wasn’t dreaming, I was reading along this verse of scripture when it took on a vision, a word of knowledge, you tell this apostle, what does this mean to you?
-This is why the first lesson Jesus gave an inquiring Nicodemus was you must be born-again, surrendered to the Holy Spirit, heart, head, body and soul, it’s why he tell anyone coming after him, first of all, you must be willing to deny self, pick up your cross and follow him. Jesus was explaining death to self and life in the Spirit, again death to self, this is why so many people flock to churches (churchians) instead of Jesus Christ (Christian), they’re holding on to themselves.
-Jesus being part human and tempted at all points as we are, this anointing power is what enabled him to live above the flesh, above sin. Truthfully, it was the only way Jesus' own fellow man could then live a sinless life, I got divine revelation for you. God gave us Jesus, not because he want us to try to live a sinless life, man had attempted this by the Law of God and had done nothing but fail. No he gave us Jesus because we can’t live a sinless life without HIM, we can have a sinless existence on this planet only as Holy Spirits live a sinless life, the life of Jesus through us, for us, by our surrender to them.
-Jesus is forgiveness of sin, the Holy Spirit is the only empowerment over sin and the living word a daily renewal of said transformation from sin though only as we place ourselves as clay in their hand, if not we, as in mankind has, is and will continue to fail. This is why Paul pleaded with us to surrender ourselves to God, (Jesus, The Living Word, The Living Spirit), that we be no longer conformed to this world, but be transformed by the blood renewing of the mind, heart., See Rom. 12:1, 2
-You must stop trying, you can’t do this, this can’t be done by churches, congregations or preachers preaching, choirs and offerings, no one can do this for you, you will accomplish this only as you fall on your face and give up completely to Holy Spirits. I SURRENDER ALL!!! Remember Jesus explaining how only if people eat His Flesh and drink His Blood could they then be His Disciples, and many of His followers felled away from Him, meaning only as they die and are transformed into a flesh and blood type of HIM, flesh and blood, Holy Spirit) could they ever in a million years be like Him.
-This is why Jesus explained to the disciples why His leaving and the Holy Spirit Coming was so vitally important, they as His disciples had a portion of the Holy Spirit for anointing and growth sake, but they’d not been completely filled up, this wouldn’t happen until fifty days after Jesus' Resurrection. So if I’m trying, yet I keep failing is yet coming out of your mouth, your heart, your failing because you, self, the flesh is from birth failed, you must put on Jesus’ Christ, that you withstand the wiles of the devil.
-You see God by his Holy Spirit is going to give you more than a new walk, try a brand new heart, blood, head and thus will, you will be like Christ, you be will be transformed into a new creature. Though only by a divine heart transplant where God (Christ) is the surgeon is this possible. As the prophet Ezekiel testified, He will take away the heart of stone you was born with and give you a heart of forgiveness and unconditional love not only for Jesus, your friends but for your foe as well, you will be born-again.
-You don’t have to be in love with God in the beginning you just have to understand you’re lost without Him, that sin completely separate you from Him, that only by repenting through a perfect blood redemption is this relationship with God restored. Until then you’re walking in the midst of a black wilderness of black hearted monster men (Satan, Demons, unrepentant men) with your immortal soul totally vulnerable. It is here your being consumed heart, head and soul thereby unto death, unto judgment, unto the abysmal of the damn dead, for blessed only are the dead who die in the Lord Jesus Christ.
-Stop trying to live and for once by Christ’s Cross die, that’s right, now you know, Jesus didn’t come to help you live, the Holy Spirit, living WORD isn’t come to help you live. The Church Bride of Christ isn’t come to help you live. Understand, right now Saints of the Most High God are dying, are being martyred all over this planet, asking only that your prayers help them with these unthinkable sacrifices, as a demonstration of how to die in Jesus Christ. It’s all, all of it is to then help you quit, to help you kill off the sin nature, to kill off self and self-seeking, that you rise to Christ, to immortal life. As always, this divine surrender is in your heart, unto your knees, unto your tongue, repent! Or will you serve Satan, apostasy, this body of sin, all your life? Beware, Apb, The RAM

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Voice Declaring: “Get Beyond The Pension, (temporal, even catastrophic lives, lands and churches), get to the hills!” 09/04/2002

The Occupation

I was standing in my kitchen, I was preparing my grandson Caden and grandniece Lawren something to drink, when suddenly the Holy Spirit began speaking to me, asking me, do they know, do their children know, that although they grew up in free territory, that although you, their parents grew up in a free territory, that their children will grow up in occupied territory, in an occupied America? 07/12/2010

A Voice Declaring:
“Five more disasters, a horrible end to all things on the map 06/14/2013

Pressed down, Shaken Together, and Running Over 09/26/2013

There is never a time when I pray that I don’t ask the Supreme Father/ Creator, the Holy Lords Of Israel I like to call them to as well watch over this entire house and ministry. You have to realize when I pray this prayer I expect the Father, by way of Christ’s cross, the Holy Spirit and the Heavenly Body to watch over not only my immediate family, spouse, children, grand children, but my entire family of siblings, nieces, nephews. Thus and so if anyone has ever said to you, someone is praying for you, that would most of all be me, Apostle P. Bradford, minister, friend, mother, grand-mother, sister, and aunt tee.

I am writing you this way because I have a favor to ask of you, well to be quite clear, the Holy Spirits that be have a request to make of you, all of you reading or listening to this parchment. I desire to do some traveling, I actually want to go to Baton Rouge Louisiana for the next three months, I want to attend the Swaggart Ministry there and to be frank I really can’t afford it. This is where you all come in, I, this Apostle (one who is sent), will like to ask that you donate your tithes and offerings to the Rising Above Ministry (RAM), for the next three months. Of course this will more than afford my room and board while I’m in Baton Rouge for this entire duration.

Jimmy Swaggart an amazing evangelist has for many years been something of a spiritual mentor to me and since I have little responsibility here it more than present the opportunity for me to meet him, Father Swaggart in person. I’ve wanted to go to him, to meet him, and even share some of the phenomena things the Holy Spirit has shared with me and I to as many as possible. I know some of you are asking what give me this right, to seek you out, to ask you? This is where you must understand this isn’t my doing, this is something the Supreme Heavenly Host is asking of you and what gives HIM the right is His divine and biblical claim that He alone has given mankind the power to get wealth, again He alone.
And thou say in thine heart, My power and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this wealth. But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. Deut. 8.17,18

Henceforth whether you’re to give Him this credit or not, whether you’ve never in your life time acknowledged the ideal of Gods form of righteousness, and the paying or giving of tithes and offerings, He is now asking you to give to Him, assuredly as you’ve received of Him and believe this Apostle, if you’ve lived on this planet you’ve in one way or another received of HIM.. Again according to this Supreme Father living word, and whether mankind is to use it as a rope to hang himself or a hand out to by Christ’s cross deliver oneself God alone is the one that gives or grant each individual the wherewithal to prosper. This may not at all make sense to you, but if He alone is God over all things on this planet and beyond, then this would most assuredly include the monetary system.

I remember a few years back I became so adamant about requesting the heavens for monies I so frantically needed they forthright reminded me there was no money in heaven. Of course I knew this but to be told again by these blessed Lords was somewhat of a revelation, as I knew further I’d not received the monies I needed because of extreme bigotry and disobedience. I say Bigotry, because we live in a society whereas we’re made to believe only a few of us truly deserve to have money and disobedience. Well, God being as mighty, Supreme and merciful as He is had to then lay it on certain people hearts to give as they ought, they just don’t, or they do it begrudgingly, as so with much prejudice. Anyway not long after the Holy Ones revealed this to me, I was in my room praying, I want to remind you don’t try this ever, as I testified, I was in my room praying. I again was desperate for money, I looked into the heavens and I started moving every member of the host of heaven aside to Jesus Christ.

All I can say I thought I could do this, the heavens had been revealing itself to this Apostle, this way for a while, I didn’t want to see, hear, or come into contact with no one other than Jesus Himself. Thus when I was convinced I had His, Jesus undivided attention, I reiterated the fact I needed money, my husband Mack took sick and died only a few months later, I received much needed funds but I lost my partner/Husband of over 30 plus years. I know not to do anything possibly so sacrilegious ever again, asking God instead for mercy and not sacrifice, that I’m not to suffer in like manner as long as I live.

If you’re to hereby grant this apostle this grace, you can get these much needed funds to her by way of the E-mail address at I have been straight with you and just as forward, I’ve revealed this need, and asked for your help, please do not tarry as time alone is of the essence. This isn’t just a personal trip, but it’s about God’s business as well as there are a few things this Heavenly Father want me to bring to Father Swaggart’s attention. I will close this parchment encouraging all those in receipt of this request to be your most obedient, give and Christ Jesus hath said, and it shall be given back to you, sincerely Apostle Patricia A. Bradford, may God bless you all, amen.

That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).
Prophecy Link

There's something about an invasion, one on American soil, about all preparing for war, for battle, a dangerous fall of peace and safety continuously on the map 06/20/2005, 07/12/2006, 08/15/2007, 10/03/2008, 10/12/2008, 01/09/2010

For Salvation Pray:

I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.

Listening to: Selah: O Scared Head Now Wounded

Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory

A Ministry Above